Monday, January 31, 2011

Even news people use wordle...

Even the Economist uses wordle. They took the State of the Union text and analyzed what the output was. Its sort of interesting that you can tell what side the website leans towards just by focusing on what words weren't mentioned and which were. But I noticed that one of the biggest words, "people" the article didn't have anything to respond to; but, they made sure to mention that China wasn't mentioned and even drew the conclusion that working with china was an underlying message of the speech. I guess it is interesting that people can take any form of analysis to prove whatever point they want by framing it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Social Networking Leads to Sex Faster? (Seen On Yahoo! News)

Quotes from a yahoo article that I thought was interesting. It discusses how social media has influenced the way that people interact, and how their relationships progress faster because of it.

"Nearly four out of five women and three of five men say they believe texting, Facebook and other social networking tools cause new couples to jump into bed faster, a survey released on Monday showed."

"Texting is the No. 1 way lovers stay in touch, the survey found, with men texting 39 percent more often than phoning and women 150 percent more."

"Once the relationship clicks, 72 percent of women report scouring a current partner's ex-girlfriends' Facebook pages."

Even in the heat of passion, some people just can't get enough of their digital devices, the survey found. When a call or text comes in during sex, 5 percent of respondents said they glance to see who is calling and 1 percent say they stop to answer the phone.

Friday, January 21, 2011


"The Medium is the Message" the way you get the message is actually part of the message...

YouTube Vid... From last semester... made by mr.broz

Different media and electronics...

Well, for me I have two digital cameras (one new one old), one digital HD camcorder, I have one cell phone, two laptops (one from freshmen year, one from last year), I suppose the Blu-ray player would count (it has apps, Pandora, Netflix, Vudu, etc.), my husband's Ipod, PS3, Wii... kind of seems like a lot...

How's this?

Questions? Comments? You be the source, send me the message, I'll decode it and receive it.